Regular Order Process Policy 一般服務說明
Insurance | Each piece of luggage is insured for USD 1,000, covering costs related to luggage delays, loss, and damage. This coverage does not include damage to luggage handles and wheels, as well as accommodation and airfare expenses. | |
保險 | 每件行李附美金1000元保障,保障範圍為行李延誤、遺失、損毀所產生之相關費用,不包含行李把手與輪子損壞、住宿、機票費用。 | |
Airport Handover | At least 90 minutes after the flight arrival as collection time, and at least 120 minutes before the flight departure as delivery time is suggested. | |
機場交接 | 建議航班降落至少 90 分鐘後作為寄件時間,航班起飛時間至少 120 分鐘前作為送達時間。 | |
Refund | Order cancellation will be subject to a US$10 handling fee. Cancellations within 72 hours are non-refundable. | |
退款規則 | 訂單取消將酌收 US$10 手續費,72小時內取消無法退款。 | |
Modification | The deadline for order modification is 12pm (local time) the day before the service date. After the deadline, services are not guaranteed and require manual review. If changes and reservations are accepted, an emergency processing fee of US$25 will be charged. | |
訂單變更 | 訂單變更截止時間為服務時間72小時前,逾期不保證能提供服務,需人工審核,若能接受變更與預約將酌收 US$25 緊急處理費。 | |
Add bags | If there's any additional bags collected, the client will be charged by LuggAgent directly via online payment method. | |
增加行李 | 若顧客寄送當日臨時增加行李,會按照行李特工官網價格向顧客收取加額行李費用。 | |
Dimension | Luggage must not weigh more than 32kg (70lbs) and measure less than 32 inches (length and width total 180cm). Your luggage can be a suitcase, carton box, backpack, bag, briefcase, ski board bag or stroller. If the luggage does not meet any of the legal rules, it will be refused even if the booking is a success. You must bear all the losses and any legal liabilities. | |
尺寸規範 | 行李重量不得超過 32 公斤(70 磅)且尺寸不得大於 32 英寸(長寬總計 180 公分)。 您的行李可以是手提包、行李箱、紙箱、背包、滑雪板包或嬰兒車。 如果行李不符合任何法律規定,即使預訂成功也將被拒絕。您必須承擔一切損失和任何法律責任。 | |
Customer Late Situation | < Any case when the client is reachable > Free waiting for the first 30 mins. We will charge the client US $10/every 15 mins after the first 30 mins of free waiting. | |
< Hotel Collection > If the driver arrived at the hotel but is unable to receive the luggage nor contact the customer through the front desk or any SNS. LuggAgent reserves the right to cancel the order without refund. | ||
< Airport Collection > 1. Flight is not delay: 30 mins of free waiting policy is applied. After 30 mins yet we are unable to receive the luggage nor contact the client, LuggAgent reserves the right to cancel the order without refund. 2. Due to flight delays leading to delayed handover: - Within one hour, we will automatically extend the handover time based on the actual flight delay time. - If the delay is more than one hour, we reserve the right to cancel the order and refund 50% of the service fee. Therefore, considering factors such as flight delays, border quarantine measures, and clearance time, we suggest that customers book the collection time at least two hours after the flight lands to avoid additional charge. 3. Flight arrives earlier than scheduled: Since vehicle routes are arranged the day before, if a flight arrives early, we can only try to dispatch vehicles based on the situation on the day. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that luggage can be delivered ahead of schedule. | ||
< Airport Delivery > This situation of a no-show at airport is rare, but if it happens, we will go to the boarding counter of the flight provided by the customer to inquire if they have shown up. If the boarding counter has closed and we are unable to reach the customer, we will store their luggage in an electronic locker and then provide the locker location and code via email and messaging software to the customer, who can retrieve their luggage at their own expense from the locker. | ||
客人逾時處理 | < 任何能夠聯繫上客人之狀況 > 顧客超過約定時間30分鐘仍未出現,將向顧客加收超時費用 10 USD / 15分鐘。 | |
< 酒店寄件 > 如果司機到達酒店但無法接收行李並無法通過前台或通訊軟件聯繫客戶,LuggAgent保留取消訂單且不退款的權利。 | ||
< 機場寄件 > 1. 航班未延誤: 依照30分鐘免費等待政策處理。若等候逾30分鐘,無法聯繫客人且無法收取行李之狀況,LuggAgent保留取消訂單且不退款的權利。 2. 航班延誤導致交接延遲: - 航班延誤一小時內,我們將根據實際航班延誤時間自動延長交接時間。 - 如果延誤超過一小時,我們保留取消訂單並退還50%服務費的權利。 考慮到航班延誤、邊境檢疫措施和清關時間等因素,我們建議客戶在飛機降落後至少預留兩小時的時間預訂行李收集時間,以避免產生額外費用。 3. 航班提早抵達: 由於車輛路線皆已於前一天安排妥當,若有航班提早抵達之情形我們只能盡量視當天狀況調派車輛,恕無法保證能夠提前交接行李。 | ||
< 機場取件 > 客人未出現在機場的情況很少見,但如果發生這種情況,我們將前往客戶提供的航班登機櫃臺詢問客戶是否已出現。如果登機櫃臺已關閉且我們無法聯繫到客戶,我們將將其行李存放在電子儲物櫃中,然後通過電子郵件和通訊軟件向客戶提供儲物櫃的位置和代碼,客戶可以自行支付費用從儲物櫃中取回行李。 | ||
Driver Late Situation | We will compensate US $10/every 15 mins with a gift card for LuggAgent official website after the first 30 mins of free waiting. If the driver exceeds the time limit and the luggage cannot be delivered to the flight, we will send the luggage to the customer by Fedex or DHL. | |
司機逾時處理 | 司機超過約定時間30分鐘仍未出現,將向顧客賠償行李特工官方網站禮品卡 10 USD / 15分鐘。若司機逾時導致行李無法送上班機,我們會將行李透過Fedex、DHL寄送至顧客指定地址。 |
Order Process Policy for Delivery Between Kanto & Kansai
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