LuggAgent Term of Service
第一條 |
本服務條款於使用者將其行李委託行李特工有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)保管、運送時適用之,使用者並同意以下各條款之約定。 Article 1 This Terms of Service shall apply to the User's consent to the following terms and conditions when the User entrusts LuggAgent International Limited(hereinafter referred to as the Company) for luggage delivery and storage service. |
第二條 |
Article 2
Order of the fill If there is false, the company does not bear any liability for damages. |
第三條 |
Article 3
The customer shall, in accordance with the nature, weight, volume, etc. of the goods, make the proper packaging, the offender, reject or require the packaging of the goods to be properly packed by the Company, but the expenses borne by the customer. |
第四條 |
若顧客故意或過失有下列第一款至第六款所列或有第七款所列之情況發生時,本公司得拒絕受理服務: |
不合本服務條款規定之委託申請。 |
顧客未按規定填寫訂單者、訂單未詳實填寫完全。 |
未按貨品之性質、重量、容積等做妥適之包裝者。 |
顧客要求額外之負擔者。 |
文件之運送違反法令規章者(含但不限於郵政法)。 |
貨品為下列物品時: |
1. 槍炮彈藥刀劍類等危險、違禁物品(含所有法令規定之危險物品及禁運品)。 |
2. 本公司特別規定拒絕受理之貨品,如下: |
‧ 冷凍、冷藏品、保管中使用期限到期之食品。 |
‧ 現金、票據、股票等有價證券或珠寶、古董、藝術 品、貴金屬等貴重物。 |
‧ 信用卡、提款卡、標單或類似物品。 |
‧ 遺骨、牌位、佛像等。 |
‧ 動物類:狗、貓、小鳥等。 |
‧ 證件類:諸如准考證、護照、機票類等。 |
‧ 不能再複製之圖、稿、卡帶、磁碟或其他同性質物品等。 |
‧ 煙火、油品、瓦斯瓶、稀釋劑等易燃、揮發、腐蝕性物品。 |
‧ 有毒性物品。 |
‧ 具危險性或有違公共秩序、善良風俗等之物品。 |
‧ 其他經本公司認定無法受理之物品。
Article 4
The Company may refuse to accept the service if the customer has intentionally or negligence in the circumstances set out in paragraphs 1 to 6 below or in paragraph 7: Unqualified service terms stipulated by the application. If the customer fails to fill in the order, the order is not completed in detail. Not according to the nature of the goods, weight, volume, etc. to do the correct packaging. Customer requires additional burden. (Including but not limited to postal law). When the goods are the following:
1. Hazardous and prohibited items (including dangerous goods and prohibited goods provided by all ordinances). 2. The Company specifically provides for refusal to accept the goods as follows:
第五條 |
Article 5
Subject to the quality of the Service, the Customer agrees that the goods accepted by the Company shall be delivered by any other entity or trade other than the Company, provided that the Company shall be liable for the custody in accordance with these Terms. |
第六條 |
顧客同意以下列規定之人為所認可之交付對象: |
交付地點為旅館之情況,以旅館人員或類此之人。 |
Article 6
Customer agrees to be deemed to have accepted the following: The location of the hotel for the hotel, the hotel staff or such people. The place where the place of delivery is not in the preceding paragraph shall be the person who is the manager, the co-owner or the like. |
第七條 逾期貨品之處理 |
本公司於無法確認收件人之身份或收件人(含第六條之對象)拒絕收受或有其他理由無法收受時,於不負遲延及保管責任之前提下得要求顧客在3日內對貨品做處置指示,違者本公司得按貨品之性質逕為處置。 |
Article 7 Treatment of overdue goods
The Company shall not be able to confirm that the identity of the addressee or the recipient (including the object of Article 6) refuses to accept or has no other reasons for the receipt of the goods, before the delay and custody of the customer before the requirements of the goods within 3 days Dispose of the instructions, the offenders of the company according to the nature of the goods for disposal. The costs incurred in connection with the disposal of the preceding paragraph shall be borne by the customer. |
第八條 |
本公司於保管中得知貨品為第四條之物品時,為防止其保管上之損失,得即刻進行卸貨處置,其所需之費用應由顧客負擔。 |
任何因前項所載貨品、訂單單未詳實填寫完全或訂單之填寫虛偽不實所致之損害及責任(含但不限於顧客寄放之貨品致本公司遭政府機關裁處之處分、罰鍰),顧客應負完全賠償責任。 Article 8
In the event that the Company is aware of the goods in the custody of Article 4, the expenses incurred by the Company shall be borne by the customer in order to prevent the loss of its storage. (Including, but not limited to, the goods sold by the customer to the Company's disposal by the Government, the penalty shall be imposed by the customer), and the order shall not be filled in, Shall be fully liable. |
第九條 |
本公司於下列事由所引起貨品之遺失、毀損、遲延送達等損失時,不負任何賠償責任: |
貨品之缺陷、自然之耗損所致者。 |
因貨品之性質所引起之起火、爆炸、發霉、腐壞、變色、生銹等諸如此類之事由。 |
因罷工、怠工、社會運動事件或刑事案件所致者。 |
不可歸責於本公司所引起之火災。 |
因無法預知或不可抗力因素或其他機關之決定所致之交通阻礙。 |
因地震、海嘯、大水、暴風雨、山崩等諸如此類之天災所致者。 |
因法令或公權力執行所致之停止保管、拆封、沒收、查封、或交付第三人者。 |
Article 9
The Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage or delay in delivery of the goods caused by the following reasons: The defects of the goods, the natural wear and tear caused by those. Due to the nature of the goods caused by fire, explosion, mold, rot, discoloration, rust and so on. Due to strikes, sabotage, social movement events or criminal cases. Shall not be liable to the fire caused by the Company. Due to unpredictable or force majeure factors or other authorities due to the decision of the traffic obstruction. Due to earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, storms, landslides and other such natural disasters caused by those. Cease to be kept, dismantled, confiscated, seized, or delivered to a third party for the execution of a decree or public power. Orders are incorrectly recorded, or because of intent or negligence of the customer. |
第十條 |
Article 10
The Company shall not be liable for any loss, damage, delay in delivery, etc., except for the immediate delivery of the contract. |
第十一條 |
Article 11
After the Company has delivered the goods to the customer, the Company's liability has been eliminated. |
第十二條 貨品遺失、毀損、遲延送達之處理 |
因貨品遺失所產生之損失,本公司將按貨品之價值(於發送地之貨品價值,以下同),於其責任限度額美金500元整(以下稱「限度額」)的範圍內賠償之。 |
因貨品毀損所產生之損失,本公司以貨品之價值為基準依其毀損之程度,於限度額的範圍內賠償之。 |
因貨品遲延送達(係指貨品未於預定領回日交付)者,本公司會委託運輸業者將貨品運送至顧客指定之地址,運費由本公司負擔。 |
如有同時發生貨品遺失、毀損、遲延送達所產生之損賠總額計算,本公司亦僅於限度額之範圍內賠償之。 |
Article 12 of the goods lost, damaged, delayed delivery of the treatment
In the event of loss of the goods, the Company shall compensate the loss of the value of the goods (the value of the goods at the place of origin, the same below), within the limits of the liability limit US$ 500 (hereinafter referred to as the "limit") As a result of the loss caused by the damage of goods, the Company shall compensate the extent of the damage to the extent of the value of the goods as the basis of the value of the goods. If the goods are delivered in time (the goods are not delivered on the scheduled return date), the Company will entrust the transportation industry to deliver the goods to the address specified by the customer. The freight will be borne by the Company. In the event of the total amount of damages incurred in the event of loss, damage and delay in delivery of the goods, the Company shall only indemnify the Company within the limits. Except as provided above, the Company shall not be liable for any indirect loss. |
第十三條 |
Article 13
Any person not provided for in these Terms shall be dealt with in accordance with the general policy or custom of any of the services mentioned in the place of business of the Company. |
第十四條 個人資料條款 |
為提供您貨品保管服務(下簡稱「本服務」)及完成本服務,您同意提供相關個人資料予行李特工有限公司(下簡稱「本公司」)為提供本服務所必要之利用。 |
為完成本服務,您除同意本公司得以電話、電子郵件、簡訊等方式聯繫您,您並同意本公司得將您的個人資料提供給交易相關服務之配合廠商利用。 |
本公司除依個人資料保護法妥善管理、保存您因本服務所提供之個人資料外,並將於逾法定保存期間後妥善銷毀處理。 |
Article 14 Personal Data Clause
You agree to provide the relevant personal information to the necessary use of LuggAgent International Limited (the "Company") to provide this Service for the provision of your goods custody service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") and the completion of the Service. In order to complete this service, you agree to the Company to contact you by telephone, e-mail, SMS, etc., and you agree that the Company will provide your personal information to the counterparts of the transaction-related services. In addition to the Personal Data Protection Act, the Company shall keep the personal data provided by the Service and will be disposed of properly after the period of statutory preservation. If you do not want to provide your basic information, the company will not be able to further provide the service, still please you inclusive. |
LuggAgent Term of Service for Luggage Delivery Between Kanto & Kansai
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